Boy Boy and friends holding a meeting...
You have been quite a grouchy little Tiger recently... bullying the three Roosters in the house... (Yup, Mommy, Daddy and Po-po are all born in the year of the Rooster) You appear to be sleepy, with your big yawns and droopy eyes, but you simply refuse to fall asleep! Once we put you down in your crib, you will stir and start growling at us, and we will have to repeat the whole procedure again... Our arms are starting to feel sore now, especially since you are growing heavier day by day. We have been weighing you by standing on the bathroom scale with and without you, and today the difference is 11.6 pounds... Mommy is wondering how much rounder you can get, while Daddy commented that your face is starting to look rectangular because of your chubby cheeks! Soon we will be "upgrading" you to size 2 diapers. In fact, we have already taken out some of your onesies from the dresser because you have outgrown them already!
Wide awake!
Today, we went out to have Japanese food. (Yes, sashimi!) You were in a cranky mood again. But fortunately, your Daddy was really patient and managed to coax you to sleep holding you in his right arm, while eating with his left hand. Boy Boy, if you have to inherit traits from Daddy and Mommy, make sure you pick your Daddy's patience, okay?
Zzzzz... Comfy in Daddy's arms...
Now that it is World Cup season, the soccer matches provide a good source of entertainment for both Mommy and Daddy at home. You are pretty good at choosing the times for your diaper change. Somehow they seem to coincide with when the teams score their goals. And your Daddy will lament "See, Boy Boy! You made Daddy miss a goal again!", to Mommy's laughter.
Hahaha...hey so Boyboy seems to be psychic in predicting goals then--reminds me of the now very famous Octopus Paul and Parakeet Mani!XD Looking forward to seeing you all back in Aug!