Saturday, January 2, 2010

Baby crib!

After gathering the valuable advice from many experienced friends and relatives, we decided that we will buy a crib for you, baby! We thought now is a good time to buy, since we had the time to drive around (holidays!), and before Mommy becomes too immobile. Besides, we wouldn't want to lug a crib from car to house in the thick of winter!

We actually tried out co-sleeping one night, by pretending that one of the pillows was you, and trying not to squish the pillow the whole night. It wasn't easy, given that our bed is not too big, and very, very soft, so even any slight movements from us (e.g. turning over) will probably feel like a big earthquake to you.

So for your sake (and of course our sleep's sake as well), we thought a crib will be a better idea.

It was fun shopping for your crib! We finally decided on Gulliver from Ikea. We drove 3h to Boilingbrook to get this. Thankfully it fitted inside the car... phew!

Daddy excitedly opened the package and systematically took out all the parts in the living room.

As we were about to begin the assembly process, Mommy had this nagging feeling that something felt amiss. Turns out that the width of the crib is wider than our bedroom door!

So we moved the pieces into our room, and spent the next few hours clearing up a space for the crib. Daddy spent a lot of time re-wiring everything because the space the crib is taking up was actually Mommy's study table space.

In the evening, we finally re-started the assembly process. Daddy was very quick. The crib was ready in no time!
Daddy feeling tired after a hard day's work!


We can't wait to find out if you are a boy or a girl! But many people have wagered their guesses! Some say you are a girl (coz of Mommy's good complexion, and I guess the rounded shape of the belly), while others say you are a boy (heart rate, the line on Mommy's belly, and according to a Chinese website for predicting baby's gender... I didn't even know there are such things!) We will see which of these methods are accurate in a few day! :)

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