Friday, December 18, 2009

Three more weeks...

... till we meet again baby!

We went to see Dr H on Wed, and he decided that we should do an US in three weeks' time. We actually wanted to push it back a little later, coz we thought we will get a better view of you when you are a bit bigger. But Dr H thought it is better if we stick to three weeks. Well, three weeks it is then.

Mommy is desperately trying to stay away from all things which may be harmful to you... Boy, it has been hard! No coffee, no sunny-side-up eggs, no sashimi... And that day I had to convince myself to keep away from Olive Garden's yummy, Kahlua-laced, caffeine-rich tiramisu... Mmmmm... I am sure you will like it too when you taste it!

But today Mommy actually did something not so good... I went for pottery class to finish up my glazing. I had promised myself that if I couldn't find any rubber gloves in the studio, I will glaze another day (and go buy my own gloves in the meantime). But I went ahead and did it anyway, coz the studio was closing for Christmas and I really didn't want to wait till next year to finish up the glazing. So I got exposed to a little bit of glaze on my hands... (and maybe breathed a little in as well? I am not sure) I hope it is nothing serious... Now I feel kinda bad taking the risk. Sorry, baby! I promise I won't do it again next time...

Anyway, your heartbeat on Wednesday was 170 bpm, which is on the higher end of the normal range. I suppose you were enjoying the lunch which Mommy just had. Baby you have to be cooperative in three weeks' time okay? We really wanna get a good picture of you to tell if you are a boy or a girl!

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